Voice Over Practice Scripts
Below are some voice over scripts, we hope you will find them interesting and useful for your practice.
We do not advise that you use this scripts for your Demo
MultiChoice Kenya LENGTH: 35 Sec: Voice Over
SFX: Applause, clapping of hands that die down
MVO 1 clears his throat… (Nigerian Accent)
MVO 1: And the moment African Television has been waiting for is here…
FVO 1: The award for the movie of the year goes to…
MVO 1: Let me just get the envelope open…
MVO 1: You!
SFX: Applause, cat calls and whistles and celebratory Jazz music
ANNCR: Are you a talented filmmaker? Africa Magic in association with Multichoice presents the Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards – visit www.africamagic.tv to find out how you can submit your entry - All films, made-for-television movies or television series are eligible for entry . Entries close on 31 October 2012. Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards – Celebrating Film and TV Industry Talent in Africa.
Narration Script >> Corporate & Industrial >> Clarins
Welcome to the Clarins Family. It is our objective to provide you with a warm and exciting environment filled with opportunity and growth. We attribute the success of the company to our “Commitment to Excellence” and our commitment to people.
This presentation will serve as a guide for all general information to assist its employees. The topics we will cover today include Employee Benefit Program Highlights, Company Policies as well as Personal Policies. Please follow along with the provided employee handbook.
No matter where we live–when it comes to something as important as health care–we all want the best. That’s why AETNA and US HEALTHCARE have joined forces to create a partnership that will set a new standard for quality and caring. AETNA and US HEALTHCARE. Raising a standard for your town, for your family, and for you.
Tags: Aetna, Voice Over Scripts
AGILENT: Voice Over Scripts
Man has always dreamed of getting to the other side. Some make it, some don’t. But at least your phone calls get there. Because Agilent provides technologies for almost every kind of communications network. From way down here to way up here.
AMERICAN EXPRESS: Voice Over Scripts
How do you know you’re getting the right financial advice? At American Express, we measure the quality of financial advice we provide our clients and we work hard to ensure that the financial plan we prepare meets your approval. We deliver clear recommendations that can be acted upon and regular reviews that show progress toward your goals.
ALCATEL: Voice Over Scripts
Throughout the world, Alcatel is helping to provide advanced communication system solutions. We believe in working in close partnership with our customers to provide these solutions. Solutions which bring people together throughout the world. Our success not only makes us number one worldwide, but more importantly, confirms our commitment to total customer satisfaction. Alcatel. Your reliable partner in communications systems.
ALLIANZ: Voice Over Scripts
Wherever you are. Whatever you do. A company of the Allianz Group is always on your side. To us, risk management means thinking the unthinkable to prevent risk turning into loss. As one of the world’s leading global insurers our financial strength and technical expertise combine to make Allianz Group the partner you can trust whenever and wherever you need us. Allianz, The Power On Your Side.